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About The Big Trip

Monica, Duncan, Maggie, Mark & Tote Hughes took a year off from school and work to travel the world together.

Two-Second Travelogues

Nearly every day, one of us wrote about what we were seeing, doing, or thinking.

This collection of regularly posted comments and thoughts became our "Travelogue."

Maggie working on her journal.

Photo Album

Our Photo Album has pictures of where we went and what we did. Or get a glimpse of the whole trip at once in the Instant Gallery. (It's different each time.)

Where In The World?

"For my part, I travel not to go anywhere but to go . . . The great affair is to move; to feel the needs and hitches of our life more nearly; to come down off this feather-bed of civilization, and find the globe granite underfoot and strewn with cutting flints." -- Robert Lewis Stevenson

The Investment

Over back where they speak of life as staying
("You couldn't call it living, for it ain't"),
There was an old, old house renewed with paint,
And in it a piano loudly playing.

Out in the plowed ground in the cold a digger,
Among the unearthed potatoes standing still,
Was counting winter dinners, one a hill,
With half an ear to the piano's vigor.

All that piano and new paint back there,
Was it some money suddenly come into?
Or some extravagance young love had been to?
Or old love on an impulse not to care --

Not to sink under being man and wife,
But get some color and music out of life?

-- Robert Frost

"To see far is one thing; going there is another." -- Brancusi